Wakil Presiden RI Dapatkan Gelar Kehormatan Adat di Kesultanan Tidore

Wakil Presiden RI, Kesultanan Tidore, Gelar Kehormatan Adat, Pangeran Sulung, Kadaton
Kunjungan Wakil Presiden RI di Kadaton Kesultanan Tidore

bbnewsmadina.com – Setelah menghadiri Seminar Nasional, Wakil Presiden RI KH Ma’ruf Amin melakukan kunjungan ke Kadaton Kesultanan Tidore. Dalam kunjungan tersebut, Wapres RI mendapatkan gelar kehormatan adat dari Kesultanan Tidore sebagai “Nau Manyira Ngofa Kadato Nyili Gulu-Gulu Kesultanan Tidore”, yang berarti Pangeran Sulung anak adat Kesultanan Tidore di Wilayah Jauh.

Gelar kehormatan tersebut langsung disematkan oleh Sultan Tidore Husain Sjah kepada Wakil Presiden Ma’ruf Amin, berdasarkan Surat Keputusan (SK) Kesultanan Tidore Nomor: SK/01/KST/V/2023 tentang pengangkatan dalam jabatan Bobato (Pemangku Adat Kesultanan Tidore), di Kedaton Kesultanan Tidore, Kamis (11/5/2023).

Dikutip dari indotimur.com, Wakil Presiden RI Ma’ruf Amin mengungkapkan dalam sambutannya bahwa Kesultanan Tidore adalah salah satu Kesultanan besar pada abad ke-12 yang berpengaruh sampai ke Papua. Selain itu, ia merasa sangat terhormat mendapatkan gelar kehormatan dari Kesultanan Tidore sebagai Pangeran Sulung Kesultanan Tidore dari Wilayah Jauh.

Sementara itu, Sultan Tidore Husain Sjah menyampaikan selamat datangnya dan mengatakan bahwa Kesultanan Tidore adalah negeri yang sudah sangat tua, yang sudah lama eksis dengan berkontribusi untuk bangsa dan negara. Tidore juga telah membantu Papua bergabung dengan NKRI setelah Bung Karno bertemu dengan Sultan Tidore Zainal Abidin Sjah di Tidore.

Kunjungan ke Kadaton Kesultanan Tidore ini dihadiri oleh Gubernur Maluku Utara Abdul Gani Kasuba bersama Istri Faoniah Djaohar, Wali Kota Tidore Kepulauan Ali Ibrahim bersama istri Safia Ali Ibrahim, Forkopimda Kota Tidore, beserta Bobato Kesultanan Tidore. Diharapkan dengan gelar yang dinobatkan kepada Wakil Presiden RI, dapat memberikan manfaat bagi bangsa dan negara, serta Kota Tidore.

Vice President of Indonesia Visits the Sultanate of Tidore

bbnewsmadina.com – After attending a national seminar, Vice President of Indonesia, KH Ma’ruf Amin, made a visit to the Kadaton of the Sultanate of Tidore. During the visit, the Vice President was awarded an honorary title from the Sultanate of Tidore as the “Nau Manyira Ngofa Kadato Nyili Gulu-Gulu Kesultanan Tidore,” which means the First Prince of the Sultanate of Tidore in the Distant Region.

The honorary title was conferred directly by Sultan Tidore Husain Sjah to Vice President Ma’ruf Amin, based on the Decree of the Sultanate of Tidore Number: SK/01/KST/V/2023 concerning appointment to the position of Bobato (Cultural Figurehead of the Sultanate of Tidore) in the Kadaton of the Sultanate of Tidore on Thursday, May 11th, 2023.

In his speech, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin expressed that the Sultanate of Tidore was one of the great sultanates of the 12th century that had an influence as far as Papua.

“I express my gratitude because today I received an honorary title from the Sultanate of Tidore as the First Prince of the Sultanate of Tidore in the Distant Region. This is an extraordinary honor, and hopefully, with this honorary title, it can give me the spirit to continue to serve the religion, nation, and state,” said Ma’ruf Amin.

Meanwhile, Sultan Tidore Husain Sjah, in his welcome speech, stated that the Sultanate of Tidore was an ancient land that had long existed with contributions to the nation and state. Tidore also brought Papua to join the Republic of Indonesia after Bung Karno met with Sultan Tidore Zainal Abidin Sjah in Tidore.

“Therefore, we cannot forget history, because without Tidore, there would be no Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke,” said Husain Sjah.

“Hopefully, with the title conferred to Mr. Vice President, it can benefit the nation, state, and the city of Tidore,” said Husain.

The visit to the Kadaton of the Sultanate of Tidore was also attended by the Governor of North Maluku, Abdul Gani Kasuba, and his wife Faoniah Djaohar, the Mayor of Tidore Islands, Ali Ibrahim and his wife Safia Ali Ibrahiim, the Regional Leadership Communication Forum of Tidore, and the Bobato of the Sultanate of Tidore.

Pewarta: DN
Editor : BMP
COPYRIGHT © bbnewsmadina.com 2023

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